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Exclusive Access

As part of our pilot run, we are offering exclusive access to Dhan Sathi to ensure that the service we provide is accurate and represented in the right manner.

If you choose to go ahead, please make sure that you fill up the necessary feedback form afterwards. Thank you!

Step 1

Fill in the form labelled "Information" with your contact details, and other required information. We do not share this information with any third party or any unauthorised usage. This is for our personal data collection. 

Step 2

After which, think about the problems you face every day in your life and make note of it. Then, press "Reply" on the form labelled "Response". You can choose to respond to the situations you face every day in an audio format, video format or text format. Make sure it is concise and clear as possible so that we can assist you in the best way possible. 

Step 3

Press submit on the Response form, and then press submit on the Information form. Ensure that your contact details are matching so that we can collate all information together to provide the right form of assistance!

Record answer here and then submit the form

Response Form

Fill in all the details accurately!

Information Form

Are you filling this for yourself or someone that you know?
Do they stay with you?

Thanks for submitting! We'll be in touch soon!

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